Uganda has been called a land of lakes because almost a third of the country is covered by water. Lake Victoria, the largest in Africa, dominates the southern border of the country while Lakes Edward and Albert lie to the west.

Linked to Lake Edward is the Kazinga Channel, Lake Mburo, 230 km to the west of Kampala, is the only lake entirely within a National Park. In the center of Uganda, Lakes Kwania and Kyoga are fed by the waters of the River Nile.

Other lakes include;

  • Lake Bunyonyi near Kabale
  • Lake Bisina in the shadow of Mt. Elgon

There are sewveral tiny crater lakes high in the mountains.

Uganda’s fresh water lakes offer opportunities for water activities and sports. An example is white water rafting, pioneered by Adrift, which has caught on as a popular tourist activity, especially on the River Nile. The country now attracts 500 rafters every month. Lake Victoria is now also being increasingly used for lake cruises. Other popular activities include sport fishing and sailing.